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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mom's Recliner

I have forever hated Lazy Boy recliners and couches and all they stand for, but here I find myself biting my tongue.  When I was home for the holidays this last month, My mom wanted me to recover this old nasty recliner of theirs. There was a huge grease spot where the head rests and the seat has riped from the continual sling-shots backward into the lounging position.  That little lever cracks me up, its just so silly.  But, we saw potential in this monstrosity somehow and I decided to dive into the machine.  It was very exhausting to deassemble and reassemble all of the springs and gadgets, this was a learning experience.  Here is the before:

Here is the finished product with refinished arms and an intensely tailored upholstery.  I do have to say that I am quite satisfied with the result.  I guess anything can be saved...

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,
    This recliner looks amazing after the facelift. I met you at the Chicago Beckman show. You gave me your card. I thought of checking your blog spot.
